Enjoy a Night's Rest Under the Stars

As we head into July and warmer summer weather, some of us may consider spending a night or two (or more!) sleeping under the stars. Whether you’re into tent-in-the-dirt camping or put-a-mattress-outside glamping, there’s no better night light than the moon and all the stars in the sky.

Three Reasons to Sleep Under the Stars

1. Connect with nature

Sleeping under the stars is hands down one of the best ways we can immerse ourselves in nature and connect with the world around us. When we’re surrounded by open, fresh air and the natural sounds of the environment, we’re likely to feel calm. A connection with nature has been shown to reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve our mood and our overall well-being.

Clamping at Naturluxe & Stars

2. Get better sleep

Sleeping under the stars can improve our sleep patterns and the quality of our sleep. When we are exposed to natural light during the day and darkness at night, our melatonin levels (a hormone that controls our sleep-wake cycle) function better. Additionally, sleeping outside without artificial light supports the body’s natural circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep. (Our circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that responds to light and dark to determine our sleep-awake cycles.)

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

3. Enjoy stargazing

Sometimes we need time to just look up in awe. If there’s a clear, beautiful night to sleep under the stars, we can look up at the constellations, have fun trying to the name the ones we remember, and just try to take in the vast space around us. Stargazing can evoke a sense of wonder and a sense of connection to others who live far away. The vastness of the sky may inspire creativity and/or a deep appreciation for wonders around us. Maybe it’s a time to listen to your favorite song, sit back, and relax.

Mona Moon Naturals Bug Away Spray and Bite Stick

Prepare for the elements

If you decide to sleep outside, make sure you prepare for the elements. This includes rain gear, a natural, clean sunscreen, aloe for burns, lip balm, and most importantly, a way to keep the bugs away! We created an all-natural Bug Away Spray and Bite Stick so we can all enjoy the outdoors without the company of uninvited buggy, bitey guests.

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